This website automatically generates ad valorem practice problems. There is no limit to how many problems you can try. Press the "Refresh" button on your browser to generate a new problem. Website created by my student Ziqi Meng.

Intercept of demand curve:113

Slope of demand curve:24

Demand curve is: P = 113 - 24Q

Intercept of supply curve:19

Slope of supply curve:58

Supply curve is: P = 19 + 58Q

Ad valorem tax(percentage):5%


Tax on:Supply

Find Tax, producers pay, consumers pay, and DWL.

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Quantity of market:1.1463414634146

Price of market:85.487804878049

Quantity after tax:1.0934405940594

Price after tax:86.757425742574

Total tax per unit:4.3378712871287

Consumers pay:1.3882549923369

Producers pay:3.3549495648143

Deadweight loss:0.1147385811201