This website automatically generates GDP practice problems. There is no limit to how many problems you can try. Press the "Refresh" button on your browser to generate a new problem.
Price of X in 2000: 64
Quantity of X in 2000: 75
Price of Y in 2000: 87
Quantity of Y in 2000: 14
Price of X in 2001: 58
Quantity of X in 2001: 23
Price of Y in 2001: 40
Quantity of Y in 2001: 4
Price of X in 2002: 15
Quantity of X in 2002: 63
Price of Y in 2002: 38
Quantity of Y in 2002: 93
The base year is
Find nominal GDP, real GDP, and the GDP deflator for all 3 years.
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Nominal GDP in 2000: 6018
Nominal GDP in 2001: 1494
Nominal GDP in 2002: 4479
Real GDP in 2000: 1657
Real GDP in 2001: 497
Real GDP in 2002: 4479
GDP deflator in 2000:
GDP deflator in 2001:
GDP deflator in 2002: