Taxation Practice Problems

This website automatically generates ad valorem problems. There is no limit to how many problems you can try. Press the "Refresh" button on your browser to generate a new problem. Website designed by my student Alex Gan.


Original Demand: P = 542 + (-8 Q)

Original Supply: P = 8 + 1 Q

An ad valorem tax of 33% is on demand.


After-tax Demand: P = 407.51879699248 + (-6.015037593985 Q)

After-tax Supply: P = 8 + 1 Q

Market price: P = 67.333333333333

Market quantity: Q = 59.333333333333

Taxed price: P = 64.951768488746

Taxed quantity: Q = 56.951768488746

Total tax consumer pay: 1085.074637359

Total tax producer pay: 135.63432966988

Dead weight loss: DWL = 25.523329990385